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Bitter Sweet Berlin

Three whole months without a single post.  Without anything of interest to scribble... Or type, should I say?..  They most certainly were not any old months where I simply wasn't doing or accomplishing anything; in fact I was pretty much getting my life together, making huge decisions.  Or just huge moves.  To Germany.
What better way of restarting my good old writing habits than to update you all on my current location!  Hurrah, I finally made it here.  After several visits here and sleepless nights of um'ing and ah'ing, wondering why I cant find a job in Berlin, I was offered an opportunity to work as a customer solutions agent... Speaking English and Turkish only, of course.  My journey was not a smooth one to say the least, but settling in, moving in with my lovely flat mate and finally booking my evening German lessons I can say that I'm a lot more comfortable here, in Berlin.
A lot of people did try and stop me when I was in the decision making process.  From family critics to envious surroundings; those telling me I studied journalism and therefore should stick around in retail until a degree-related-opportunity pops up and many, many more.  At first, I did think long and hard about the move I was about to make.  Stepping out of my comfort zone, not being able to splash out on any bag or pair of shoes I want, just because I can; did confuse me a little until I realised I had to think like an adult and step up in the world.  Realise what really matters to me, and what experiences make a person who they are.  Understand why the greatest stories all start with change and risk taking.  And once I had these clarified in my mind, I typed up my resignation letter and shot away.  
When I weigh up all the opportunities I'm given in life, I can confidently say that I am not one who is spoilt for choice.  I am a dreamer, an optimist; but rarely see these in action however, with my latest and greatest step yet, I can tell myself that I made the right choice - or I hope, for now, considering it has only just been a month!  A piece of advice, for those who need it...  Take risks, my friends; take risks...  Just when you think your life is a monotone, bland and repetitive one, something will pop up so long as you keep trying! But remember... Always take those discreet signs and follow them.  Call it fate, call it luck but I am a believer of the two combined and patience on top.  My greatest struggle has been the fact that my family are not here with me and spending my first time away from family in another country - for good - has been difficult and yes I have shed many tears however I will neither be the first nor the last who moves countries.  Peace!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good to hear. Germany still one of my fav countries. German language its hard to learn, two or 3 months you will pick easy. Good luck there. Hoping to see posts.
    Proud of You! ;D

  3. just AMAZING interesting to read i really like your blog hope you can start blogging again 😊😊


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