Sometimes I find it extremely difficult to understand the basic factor of fashion. Why do we choose to wear certain things? Do we choose to wear them or is it what we read in the latest edition of Vogue magazine that pushes us to think that we like the look of a particular product? When I first saw the knee ripped jeans, I'll be honest, I did think of jumping onto the bandwagon. After all, I do like to associate myself with the trendiest and most popular items on the market; however, one thing which I don't associate myself with is going against a belief - and being an individual who needs a reason for most of her actions - including items of clothing and accessories I choose to put on; I needed to somehow justify my moment of delusion in potentially purchasing a pair. As I looked at photos online and approximately four girls in five, walking down the busy Oxford Street, there was something tickling my mind waiting to be noticed. So I recognised what...