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Showing posts from May, 2018

Luxembourg: Just a Financial Centre?

This Bank Holiday weekend was a different one; a lot less of a popular destination and one which I simply didn't know what to expect.  I think this is my favourite bit about the Earth, and not to mention why I am so fond of always being abroad - you always have to keep an open mind and go without influences of travel reviews and any other comments. My travelling habits are not limited to seasons or geographical locations.  I am a believer of seeing new things and constantly exploring; which makes it difficult to settle in any single environment.  I'll admit, I did a lot of research on the location, the language(s) spoken, the kind of food which was eaten and to my surprise when I got there; I found that actually it is not only a place of politics and finance. The parks, waterfalls and cobble streets gave this country a fairy-tale toy town feeling.  The historical architecture, the quiet and narrow streets and most importantly the people and their positive, kind and