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Showing posts from 2017

Huda Beauty: Does the Faux Filter Foundation really add filter?

I have really tried to love this product.  I'd consider myself to be a Huda-ist (not sure this word exists but I think it should!) and so try and purchase every product which I convince myself to be magical, as soon as it is launched. Faux Filter Foundation The Faux Filter Foundation was no exception.  I bought, I tried... I never liked.  First of all, it is far too thick and creamy.  Unlike most foundations, it literally does what it says on the box - it adds a filter to your face without a caked - on look however; flawlessness - debatable.  I never really use more than a pump of foundation anyway, and especially after watching her very honest tutorials and blog posts, I was glad that I didn't have to change this rule.  I use just half a pump and even this is plenty.   Complexion Perfection Now, you're probably thinking "if this product is so great, what is the problem?"  Well, for those who have not yet tried it, I can tell you that the issue

Welcome To My Life: Oud Milano

I'll admit, when I first came across the store, walking down Bond Street, I got really excited thinking that it is a brand that sells all - things - oud...  And being a collector of everything with oud in, I thought I'd have to check this place out. After walking in, and seeing how empty the store is, I decided I would wander around and discover the products myself.   So here it was - a really similar in-store concept to that of Kiko.  Very simplistic, very minimal yet really impressive layout.  I came across this store at a perfect time, as I was in desperate need of change and my NARS All Day Luminous Weightless was becoming a little too heavy on my face -to a point where i could feel the... "weight". I tried the Oud Milano foundation on my hand and the texture was neither too thick nor too thin.  I matched myself almost instantly, as well, so whatever you see through the glass bottle is what you're getting when you apply it.  You need the smallest amount w